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Little Henry Case decides that defeating bosses with swords and stuff is boring. Now he's playing the game with a wizard. Of course, he gets stuck on another boss and needs your help again.
In this version, combat still proceeds with the player and the boss taking alternating turns. The player still goes first. Now, however, you don't get any equipment; instead, you must choose one of your spells to cast. The first character at or below 0
hit points loses.
Since you're a wizard, you don't get to wear armor, and you can't attack normally. However, since you do magic damage, your opponent's armor is ignored, and so the boss effectively has zero armor as well. As before, if armor (from a spell, in this case) would reduce damage below 1
, it becomes 1
instead - that is, the boss' attacks always deal at least 1
On each of your turns, you must select one of your spells to cast. If you cannot afford to cast any spell, you lose. Spells cost mana; you start with 500 mana, but have no maximum limit. You must have enough mana to cast a spell, and its cost is immediately deducted when you cast it. Your spells are Magic Missile, Drain, Shield, Poison, and Recharge.
- Magic Missile costs
mana. It instantly does4
damage. - Drain costs
mana. It instantly does2
damage and heals you for2
hit points. - Shield costs
mana. It starts an effect that lasts for6
turns. While it is active, your armor is increased by7
. - Poison costs
mana. It starts an effect that lasts for6
turns. At the start of each turn while it is active, it deals the boss3
damage. - Recharge costs
mana. It starts an effect that lasts for5
turns. At the start of each turn while it is active, it gives you101
new mana.
Effects all work the same way. Effects apply at the start of both the player's turns and the boss' turns. Effects are created with a timer (the number of turns they last); at the start of each turn, after they apply any effect they have, their timer is decreased by one. If this decreases the timer to zero, the effect ends. You cannot cast a spell that would start an effect which is already active. However, effects can be started on the same turn they end.
For example, suppose the player has 10
hit points and 250
mana, and that the boss has 13
hit points and 8
-- Player turn --
- Player has 10 hit points, 0 armor, 250 mana
- Boss has 13 hit points
Player casts Poison.
-- Boss turn --
- Player has 10 hit points, 0 armor, 77 mana
- Boss has 13 hit points
Poison deals 3 damage; its timer is now 5.
Boss attacks for 8 damage.
-- Player turn --
- Player has 2 hit points, 0 armor, 77 mana
- Boss has 10 hit points
Poison deals 3 damage; its timer is now 4.
Player casts Magic Missile, dealing 4 damage.
-- Boss turn --
- Player has 2 hit points, 0 armor, 24 mana
- Boss has 3 hit points
Poison deals 3 damage. This kills the boss, and the player wins.
Now, suppose the same initial conditions, except that the boss has 14
hit points instead:
-- Player turn --
- Player has 10 hit points, 0 armor, 250 mana
- Boss has 14 hit points
Player casts Recharge.
-- Boss turn --
- Player has 10 hit points, 0 armor, 21 mana
- Boss has 14 hit points
Recharge provides 101 mana; its timer is now 4.
Boss attacks for 8 damage!
-- Player turn --
- Player has 2 hit points, 0 armor, 122 mana
- Boss has 14 hit points
Recharge provides 101 mana; its timer is now 3.
Player casts Shield, increasing armor by 7.
-- Boss turn --
- Player has 2 hit points, 7 armor, 110 mana
- Boss has 14 hit points
Shield's timer is now 5.
Recharge provides 101 mana; its timer is now 2.
Boss attacks for 8 - 7 = 1 damage!
-- Player turn --
- Player has 1 hit point, 7 armor, 211 mana
- Boss has 14 hit points
Shield's timer is now 4.
Recharge provides 101 mana; its timer is now 1.
Player casts Drain, dealing 2 damage, and healing 2 hit points.
-- Boss turn --
- Player has 3 hit points, 7 armor, 239 mana
- Boss has 12 hit points
Shield's timer is now 3.
Recharge provides 101 mana; its timer is now 0.
Recharge wears off.
Boss attacks for 8 - 7 = 1 damage!
-- Player turn --
- Player has 2 hit points, 7 armor, 340 mana
- Boss has 12 hit points
Shield's timer is now 2.
Player casts Poison.
-- Boss turn --
- Player has 2 hit points, 7 armor, 167 mana
- Boss has 12 hit points
Shield's timer is now 1.
Poison deals 3 damage; its timer is now 5.
Boss attacks for 8 - 7 = 1 damage!
-- Player turn --
- Player has 1 hit point, 7 armor, 167 mana
- Boss has 9 hit points
Shield's timer is now 0.
Shield wears off, decreasing armor by 7.
Poison deals 3 damage; its timer is now 4.
Player casts Magic Missile, dealing 4 damage.
-- Boss turn --
- Player has 1 hit point, 0 armor, 114 mana
- Boss has 2 hit points
Poison deals 3 damage. This kills the boss, and the player wins.
You start with 50 hit points and 500 mana points. The boss's actual stats are in your puzzle input. What is the least amount of mana you can spend and still win the fight? (Do not include mana recharge effects as "spending" negative mana.)
--- Part Two ---
On the next run through the game, you increase the difficulty to hard.
At the start of each player turn (before any other effects apply), you lose 1 hit point. If this brings you to or below 0 hit points, you lose.
With the same starting stats for you and the boss, what is the least amount of mana you can spend and still win the fight?
- A true continuation of the previous puzzle!
- Spent A BUNCH of time rewriting Day 21 to work with the new constraints.
- Did 100 iterations of running winning battles by picking random spells and chose the lowest mp used...and it worked! It was not efficient at all, but it worked!
- 22-2 seemed easy, but my algorithm has been going aaaaaallllll night and...still going.